Wing/Airfoil optimization and design exploration
- Low drag wing utilizing natural and laminar flow control
- Three major instabilities that causing the flow on a wing to transition from laminar-to-turbulent:
- Tollmien-Schlicting Instability(TSI)
- Cross Flow Instability(CFI)
- Attachment Line Instability (ALI)
- HLFC and NLF wing optimization at subsonic conditions (π π=16 πππππππ, ππβ0.4Re=16 million, M_aβ0.4)Β§HLFC and NLF wing optimization at transonic conditions (π π=30 πππππππ, ππβ0.78Re=30 million, M_aβ0.78)

NLF and HLFC wing optimization
- To optimize HLFC airfoil for a minimum total drag, and explore the design space
- Minimizing pressure drag
- Maximizing laminar flow regions on both lower and upper surface

- Conical Flow Optimization of Wing with 3D Correction
- Multi-objective NSGA optimization (plot 1)
- Mid-fidelity aerodynamic solver (MSES & VLM solvers)
- Transition prediction utilizing Linear Stability Analysis (LST)
- Conical flow assumption (plot 2)

Key results: HLFC subsonic airfoil design
- Subsonic, π΄βM_β :0.4 | πΉπβRe_β : 16 million | πͺπCl:0.4
- Simultaneous optimization of airfoil and suction
- Range of design lift coefficients
- Refs. 1 and 2

Key results: Transonic airfoil design
- π΄βM_β :0.78 | πΉπβRe_β : 30 million | πͺπCl: 0.55
- Over 40% lower drag than an optimum turbulent wing
- 25% lower drag than the optimum NLF airfoil at the sweep angle of 22.5Β°
- 62% and 52% laminar flow on the upper and lower surface
- Refs. 3 and 4

- Sudhi, A., Elham, A., and Badrya, C., Coupled Boundary-Layer Suction and Airfoil Shape Optimization for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control, AIAA Journal. DOI: 10.2514/1.J060480
- Mosca, V., Karpuk, S., Sudhi, A., Badrya, C., and Elham, A., Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Fully Electric Regional Aircraft Wing with Active Flow Control Technology, The aeronautical journal.
- Sudhi, A., Radespiel, R., and Badrya, C., Design Exploration of Transonic Airfoils for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control Application. Accepted for publication, in press. DOI:10.2514/1.C036968
- Sudhi, A., Badrya, C., Practical Implications of Conical Flow Assumption in NLF and HLFC Wing Design, AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, June 2023, DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-431