Physical principles
- Insects utilize unsteady aerodynamics to generate lift
- The three major unsteady lift enhancement sources:
Delayed stall – Leading Edge Vortex (LEV)
Rapid pitch up rotation
Wake capture
Some key results
Hover vs. forward flight
- Forward speed increases, flapping plane tilts forward
- As forward speed increases, vertical force production shifts to the downstroke of the flap cycle
- At U=0.5 m/s has minimum aerodynamic power
- Reynolds number𝑂(100)O(100)
Read more about the methodology and results in the following publications and proceedings:
- Badrya, C., Sridharan, A., Baeder, J. D., and Kroninger, C. M., Multi-Fidelity Coupled Trim Analysis of a Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle Flight, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2017, pp. 1614-1630.DOI: 10.2514/1.C034236
- Badrya, C., Harrington, A., Govindarajan, B, Baeder, J. D., and Kroningers, M. C., Computational and Experimental Investigation of a Flapping Wing MAV in Hover, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 56, No. 4,2019. DOI: 10.2514/1.C035239
- Badrya, C., Govindarajan, B., and Baeder, J., Analysis of Flapping Wings from a Rotorcraft Perspective, The 7th UAV Specialists Meeting of the American Helicopter Society January 2017, Mesa, AZ
- Badrya, C., Sridharan, A., and Baeder, J. D., CFD-coupled Trim Analysis of a Millimeter-Scale Flapping Wing MAV in Steady Turning Flight, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 13-17 June 2016, Washington, DC. DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-3557
- Badrya, C. and Baeder, J. D., Insect Kinematics in Trimmed Flight at Low Reynolds Numbers Using CFD, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, 5-9 January 2015, Kissimmee, FL. DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0045